Behind every idea stands an ideal
Born randomly, created wisely. Learn more about us, our ideals and our vision of a cosmopolitan life.
The idea behind Cosmopolitan Apartments
It was a beautiful spring day when Dijana and José-Luis happened to sit on the same bench in Hyde Park. They struck up a conversation and were amazed at how similar their life stories were. Both loved the cosmopolitan lifestyle as international business travellers, but missed time spent with friends and family. They both felt the same longing for home… And suddenly an idea was born – to create a community of world citizens where they could all feel at home.
Comfortable places where you receive a warm welcome and are surrounded by like-minded people. Not an impersonal hotel, but furnished short-stay apartments, where every free minute is a pleasure. Not just a refuge, but somewhere simply to feel at ease. Places where the cosmopolitan lifestyle and mindset are understood and lived. Worldwide.
This bold idea developed into a business plan that has already attracted various investors. Dijana and José-Luis are now working to realise their dream of bringing their cosmopolitan lifestyle to the world. Who would have thought this would be the result of that beautiful spring day in London?
Our company values
As a company, we have set ourselves four cornerstones that we work by and which guide the operations of our Cosmopolitan Apartments:
1. Unique, stylish, individual.
Creativity and empathy play key roles in our living concepts. We want to stimulate all the senses: to surprise, invite you to linger and bring a smile to your face.
2. Modern technology and lifestyle.
An honest, flexible and success-oriented corporate culture lets us know when we can celebrate our successes and when we should get back to work. We combine our positive attitude and passion for our work with dynamism, creativity and customer orientation.
3. Urban audience of all ages.
Influences from all over the world, many years of experience and an approach that assumes “everything is possible” come together to create these homes for cosmopolitans.
4. Comparable to 4-star boutique hotels.
We work in an international and creative environment and always have new ideas about how to make things even better.